Quite compact, balanced and graceful. Cheerful, friendly demeanor with an "intelligent" expression. Light-footed, athletic with a friendly intuitive temperament.
Overall balance and no exaggeration are more important than actual size. Slightly longer than tall, ten to twelve.
We distinguish three basic sizes:
Standard - higher than 60 cm
medium - 45 - 60 cm
Miniature - under 45 cm
Dogs should not be too heavy. Ribs and spine not noticeable under the coat.
Confident, lively, friendly. People-oriented, looks for eye contact with people, willingly cooperates with people. Fearfulness, reserve towards strangers, shyness or aggression are disqualifying faults.
A moderately broad skull with carved occiput bones. The skull is not prominent. Slightly longer from the occiput to the nose than from the occiput to the top of the skull. The muzzle is wide with tight lips and lips. Characteristic, large and fleshy nose (cannot be small, pinched, narrow or pointed).
A muzzle with a sweet, gentle but curious, lively expression. He should seek eye contact with an expression of commitment.
Oval or round, set wide apart. Prefer bigger than smaller. They must not be protruding or sunken. Drooping of the eyelids is a serious defect. Characteristic long eyelashes, preventing hair from getting into the eyes.
The color of the eyes should be consistent with the pigment of the dog. Hazel eyes are found in dogs with chocolate pigment, coffee with milk and caramel. Eyes dark brown in dogs with black and cream pigmentation.
Blue eyes or eyes of two different colors are a disqualifying fault from breeding. Sharp, piercing or expressionless eyes are a serious fault.
Hanging, and set wide apart on the sides of the head, slightly below the plane of the skull and slightly raised at the base for air circulation. Quite hairy, with the tip of the ear not extending beyond the dog's nose. The fur on the ears is much longer.
Preferred scissor bite, however, in individuals perfect in terms of exterior or temperament, pincer bite is acceptable. Teeth and gums strong and healthy. Underbite, overbite, crooked bite are disqualifying faults.
The neck is slightly arched, moderately long, strong and muscular. It extends gracefully to the top line of the torso. The horizontal topline of the body falls slightly behind the withers and is moderately sloping over the hips to a low-set tail. Well proportioned body, chest moderately deep but not excessively so. Tail set low from slightly sloping croup, carried saber-shaped. When the dog is excited it can be carried gaily above the topline. A twisted tail, strongly curved above the topline, is a fault.
Shoulders should be muscular, well developed, but never heavy. Relatively long, broad with moderate angulation. The elbows are neither turned in nor out, firmly set in front of the ribs. The forelegs are well boned and vertical to the ground, with strong and moderately short pasterns. Forelegs that are too short pull the dog down, strain the joints and tendons, and lower the dog's grade.
Strong, broad, well-muscled thighs. Moderate angulation, stifle to hock longer than hock to ground.
Strong and tight, with well arched toes, round or oval. Short claws, thick pads. A dog is born without rear dewclaws. Hare feet are considered a serious fault.
single layer. There are two types of fur:
- Wool-type coat
– Fleece coat
Coat is a characteristic feature of a dog and is prioritized after exterior and temperament.
It does not moult (when trying to handle it), there is no characteristic dog smell.
The texture and appearance of the coat is similar to that of a poodle. Hair cut to the same length on body and legs. The fur on the paws is shaved short, but not to the ankles. Tail fully furred. The fur on the face and head should not be shaved, but may be trimmed with shears.
Wavy or slightly curly, of equal length on body and limbs. Presented long and abundant. Hair trimmed on muzzle to expose eyes. Paws shaved short, but only to the height of the heel. Shaved parts of the paws, obscured by the hair hanging down on the upper parts of the limbs. The fur on the paws must not be shaved down to the ankles like a poodle. It should be left long and free on the tail.
Bleaching the tips caused by weather conditions (sun, wind, rain) cannot lower the grade.
While jogging, the dog seems to float effortlessly off the ground. It moves lightly, airy and athletic, giving the impression of "happy going in a certain direction".
When viewed from the front and rear, the legs are not twisted either in or out.
When running, the dog's stride converges towards the line of the center of gravity. When viewed from the side, the forelegs should be extended smoothly to the end. They should not be bent and raised high up. The hock joint is strong, short, well angled and well drawn forward under the body.
- Black
– Silver
– Shades of cream, caramel and apricot
- Red
– Chocolate
- Coffee with milk
– Parchment
- Blue
– Lavender
Allowed but not preferred parti-color. Parti-color is a combination of one of the above colors with white or cream.
Undeveloped testicles in males six months of age or older and any deviation from the Breed Standard
Source: Quarterly of the Polish Breed Dog Club "Kynologia", 1/2012(31)
Hairy Passion
Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland