Hello Donnan! Quite recently, a new hairy dog (Australian Labradoodle – Rutlands WH LIL Donnan) has taken his place with us. DONNAN is Irish for little brown. Donnan is an Australian Labradoodle of miniature size with a fleece type (wavy) coat and a very rare color - brown, tan and caramel. Mating with a bitch with the same hair factor will result in the birth of parti-color puppies (i.e. two-color).
Donnan will be trained for unusual special tasks, which for now remain our secret. We hope that soon we will be able to boast about the results of our activities.
Our boy is enjoying the charms of the blissful puppy period.
Height at the withers - 40 cm
Coat: wavy fleece
coat: brown-factored
And this is Donnan's mom