Filigree Surprise or our Filigree Surprise The best possible mother in the world. Fila always surprises me with her inner peace. If she were human, I'd be sure she was practicing yoga or meditating. Seriously. Watching her behavior before, during...
WEEK 1 We came into this world, exactly on the 62nd day of pregnancy of our mother caramels. The day before, mother scared our Lady because her temperature rose very much. She thought we were about to be born, but it was only bowel problems....
TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) - a scientific conference organized by the American non-profit Sapling Foundation. Goal - popularization - as the motto says - "ideas worth spreading". Ideas, thoughts, visions that can change...
Welcome! We have just published a new article on puppy socialization on our website. Why is it so important and how it affects the future life of a puppy. We invite you to read the article, which of course contains a lot of photos of our...
Did you know that only 15%-20% of our dogs' behavior is genetic? Over 80% is the influence of socialization - that is, the stimuli to which our puppy has been set (or not set) in the critical period of development (i.e. until about 12-16...
Australian Labradoodle dog for children allergy dog
On the Hairy Pasja website you will find information about the breed of dogs Australian Labradoodle. We run the first kennel of this breed in Poland and offer dogs for sale. We breed dogs in three sizes: standard, medium, miniature. Labradoodle they are ideal dogs for children. They feel good in the family and love to play together. They are also dogs whose fur is friendly to allergy sufferers. If you are interested in a dog for children, which will be a great playmate, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our puppies. Our strength is the socialization plans that we build for each litter so that each puppy is well prepared for adoption. More information on this subject can be found in the "Reservations and payments" section. Feel free to contact us.
Dudles from Hairy Passion!