We have puppies

…..Once we take care of the appropriate genetic material - the parents of o
desired appearance and character, we must remember that this is only the beginning
our dear. Genes can be "turned on" or "turned off" depending on the situation
from what their environment provides them with. So it is
it is very possible that the genes will show up as a very positive trait or both
very undesirable - negative trait. It's all in dependency
on how they will be fed and treated - a pregnant female dog and her offspring.
The emotional and physical state of the pregnant woman will have a direct impact on
personality and health of her descendants….

It is especially important to remember that puppies from stressed mothers
they will find it difficult to return to "normal" after the experience
stressful situation as adults, they may also have problems with assimilation
training material and worse memory.
The female dog must be relaxed, well fed and calm.
Research shows that calm female dogs, female dogs that are often touched, petted and
massaged during pregnancy have calm and relaxed
offspring. Puppies from such litters also do not shy away from being

We can say that in some respects the predisposition of puppies and
the ability to form deep relationships begins
even before the puppies are born.

Today - May 24, 2016 (the day before my beloved late mother's birthday)
Puppies of Fili and Onyx were born.
It was a beautiful birth. Fabian was excused from school because it happened
took over that he told me to wake up at night if anything started
happening. Fabian kept me informed of contractions, wiped the puppies,
recorded all the details like weight, color, ribbon (or
I'll read it later?) He even has a plan for the whole week what we will be
do with puppies.
My lovely boyfriend helped me a lot to take care of the little ones when I
I had to go to Fila for an ultrasound. He was happy
and all excited about the fact that at school he will be able to show off his
responsible function.

And the puppies are divine! Very calm when I take them in my hands on purpose
weighing. They eat and sleep and that's the most beautiful thing
silence - then I know that they are good, warm and their tummies are full. IN
in such moments I revive (although I do not lack life;))
but these are really beautiful moments when I can observe new life and more
realize how much influence I have
on those blank white cards. I pick up a pen and write….

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies











Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies

Australian Labradoodle puppies


Week 1

Dogs are so-called "socket dwellers" - after birth they are not able to
to live independently and need care to
survive. In a word, they are dependent on their parents. In contrast to
"precocial" such as, for example, horses, geese, etc. which immediately after
they are able to be born
function independently (eat and move) on their own, within
a few hours after birth.

The key parts of a puppy's body after birth are not yet fulfilling their purpose
functions. The eyes and ears are not fully formed
– light and sound could cause permanent damage. That's why they are
tightly closed and will open slowly to deliver to puppies
individual stimuli
Acquiring specific abilities that they have since birth
precocial, it will take them weeks or even months
For precocials, this is of great social importance, they are from the moment of birth
because they are in danger, and so they must in a short time
"imprint" the image of your mother. they must
learn to distrust anything that is not her.
It is almost impossible to reverse the imprinting process.

On the other hand, nestlings are cared for by their mother for the first months of life,
so they develop fear only later.
Fear would be an unjustified response of the organism, because these species do not have
physical ability to fight or flee.
For this reason, the period in which social attachment is formed is
much longer and more flexible.

However, even in precocial we observe a period called the “critical period
socialization", which ends when the animal
fully capable of escaping or defending itself from danger. After
during this period, everything that is new will become for them
a potential threat and therefore a natural reaction to new stimuli
there will be fear.

Considering the above, working with puppies in Hairy Passion
we start after their birth.

Fili's puppies are wonderful. They are also "vocal", they emit a squeaky sound
a sound called 'alarm-call'.
This sound has one main task - to call the mother. What is interesting
however, puppies are able to make this sound
right after birth. The mother, on the other hand, recognizes him and is capable of him
respond after most puppies are born.

Fili is a good mother - she sits with the puppies all the time, licks their bellies
(cubs can't defecate on their own so she still
he has to help them by licking them). Mom keeps the playpen clean
by eating the feces of puppies.
It may seem disgusting but I'm glad it does ;)
Puppies feel safe, they are warm, they are fed, they sleep a lot
and they rest.

Puppies have something unusual that I call a navigation system.
They can't see.
So how do they find the mother? So they have heat "sensors" on the sides of their nostrils,
when they want to find their mother they move
head in a circle until they find a source of heat. When it comes they crawl in it
direction. So sometimes to me ;)

Filusia is fed in a pen so that she does not leave it too often - puppies
they need her warmth.

Did you know that bitch's milk produces so-called colostrum? Probably yes. colostrum
acts as a kind of vaccine
– will immunize puppies in the first weeks of life. for diseases,
to which Fila is resistant will be resistant
also puppies.
However, puppies only benefit from colostrum up to the first 12-18 weeks
hours after birth. Why?
Well, their intestines are "open", so the colostrum molecules pass through
intestinal walls into the body intact.
They are able to stimulate the immune system. After this period is over
it is no longer possible. Bowels "shut down"
therefore, colostrum molecules passing into the body through the walls
the intestines break down.

That is why it is so important to ensure that puppies drink mother's milk from the very beginning
Puppies in this period look funny. Parts of their bodies jump like
popcorn. These are convulsions - very necessary
for their proper development. In this way, puppies already exercise their muscles. This
the phenomenon is called active sleep,
during which the brain gets electrical stimulation simultaneously
causing cramps
individual muscles.

It is very important that the puppy is well-fed from the very beginning
so that it can grow into a stable adult. The key word in
in this case is the RIGHT stimulation.
This means that the stimuli we provide to the puppy are appropriate
intensity and appropriate to the development cycle. Too many stimuli or
unfortunately, they will have the opposite effect to the expected one.
So when puppies are squeaking for a nipple, we shouldn't

We should give them a chance to reach the nipple on their own - so moderate
Puppies need stress.
From the very beginning, they learn to deal with frustration. maternal
my instincts tell me - help the puppy,
but I always have to reason with myself - puppies are just learning
… such a slight stress
will be beneficial for them for the rest of their lives.

From the 3rd to the 16th day in Hairy Passion we perform Early Stimulation
neurological. Carmen Battaglia says: "Puppie's neurological stimulation
during the neonatal period can change the puppy for the rest of its life”

There are 5 exercises that we do during this period, but remember to take time
their performance was no longer than 5
seconds per exercise. Otherwise, puppies will be

These exercises are:

1. Touching with a stick between the pads of the paws (tactile stimulation - wakes up
neurological system)
2. Puppy head up (blood drains from the brain, the neurological system is
recognizes and pumps blood upwards to the brain
to keep balance.
3. Puppy head down (Too much blood is getting into the brain, now the system
neurological works in a different way because
we supply him another problem)
4. Puppy in supine position (most puppies resist this
situation, the neurological system is provoked)
5. Placing the puppy on a cold towel (the puppy will be light
he said he didn't like it
the neurological system will respond to this change in temperature)

Such exercises have the following advantages:
Improved cardiovascular performance (heart rate)
Stronger heartbeat
Stronger adrenals
More stress tolerance
Greater disease resistance

Always remember: MORE IS NOT BETTER!!!





Labradoodle and Fabian

Labradoodle and Fabian

Fiila's Labradoodle

Fiila's Labradoodle

Labradoodle early stimulation

Labradoodle early stimulation

Labradoodle early stimulation

Labradoodle early stimulation


Week 2

It's us - puppies! We would like to tell you what happened in it
This week Edyta continues with Early Neural Stimulation.
We like it and don't object too much. But this our Lady
cunning beast because he always does the exercises when
we are fed and relaxed. She did these exercises with us until the 16th day
and now it will be completely different.
But more on that next week.

Some of us are already opening our eyes, but we cannot see yet. Gradually the membrane
that protects our eye will come down from it
and every day we will see more.

Edyta also gives us different scents to smell. Some of them we don't like ;)

We are very relaxed puppies, just like our mother. Mom already
he is often outside the playpen, next to us but outside.
He often comes to us to feed and lick us ;)


We sleep Labradoodles

We sleep Labradoodles

Labradoodle scents

Labradoodle scents

Labradoodle guests

Labradoodle guests

We sleep Labradoodles

We sleep Labradoodles

Labradoodle scents

Labradoodle scents


Week 3

The third week of a puppy's life is called the transitional period. This is
an appropriate name, because in one short week of life, a puppy
transforms from a helpless creature into a real puppy who can see
he hears, toddles and plays. We assign time frames to the periods about which
speaking but they are
it's a really tight framework.
The researchers tried to use behavioral markers pointing to the onset of i
end of development periods.
They will vary depending on the breed, but they will also be in one litter
puppies that develop differently. You should watch your puppy to
know in
what is the current development phase.

While almost all of Fili's puppies have opened their eyes, one of
they were 4 days late.

The transitional period begins when the eyes open and ends when
puppies begin to hear sounds.
When puppies hear and see, they can begin to develop a bond
and enter the next developmental period, which is socialization.
The puppies are starting
bite each other and play.

Around day 16-17, puppies defecate on their own. It is in
approximately the time they start walking. It's good because
they have a strong instinct to keep clean, so they move away from their own

The teeth slowly come out so the female dog is reluctant to stay with them. Irritating
when puppies bite her.

Fortunately, the puppies are starting to take an interest in her food. NO
they also understand that it is their front that eats;)) so they enter the bowl whole.
They are very excited but do not know exactly what to do.

As newborn dogs, puppies only use one type of sound
which was intended to attract attention. When they enter their period
they vocalize in different ways, they also learn to bark. It also develops
non-verbal communication - they can start
to wag their tails.

At the end of this period, we notice that our puppies have evolved from
fragile "extensions" of yours
mothers to rascals with all the necessary skills to z
enter the socialization phase with a flourish.


Labradoodle enriched environment

Labradoodle enriched environment

Labradoodle first meals

Labradoodle first meals

Labradoodle other dogs

Labradoodle other dogs

Labradoodle Fabian Rulez

Labradoodle Fabian Rulez



Week 4 Puppies stand on their own feet and are very interested in the world.
They start playing with each other.
Interest in toys is growing - they bite them, carry them in their mouths and with them
Scientific studies show that exercise is a key component of the effect
enriched environment.
Exercise is one of those things that makes your brain grow bigger and bigger
there are more connections between neurons in it. We take them out of the pen so that they can stretch their legs whenever they get up
wake up.
At this point, they need more space than the playpen can give them
Increasing the space lowers the tension in the litter.
4 week old puppies don't know true fear yet - they will approach anything
what we put in their way. So now is the time to enrich them
everyday environment. The reason we do this
is that adult dogs instinctively treat all new items with
suspicion and perhaps even aggression.
Nevertheless, we can ensure that this is not the case, just by
exercises with puppies now, when they are still small. Change things in the everyday environment, introduce
other friendly family members. A large playpen with lots of toys is not enough to fully enjoy
the benefits of an enriched environment.
Research shows that the most important elements of an enriched environment are
learning and problem solving.
Animals that have the ability to learn by solving problems
and the additionally enriched environment they grow up to be more stable, less
stressed, less fearful, learn faster and solve problems more easily
than animals that had an enriched environment but no learning to solve
That is why it is so important to give puppies challenges. they must
climb to get to something, go under an obstacle, go into dark corners, etc.
YOUR PROBLEM. Of course, there will always be a puppy who doesn't want to do the job -
he whines, he whines, he gets frustrated. We cannot help him, but we can encourage him. If we were now
helped the puppy - his screams and barks would bring results and he would not learn anything good - except that his squeals

make you help. If the puppy overcomes its fear and completes the task, it will be calmer and more confident in the future.
Puppies can't see clearly yet, so it's important that there are challenges
"to the best of their abilities."
Visual and spatial stimuli must be located close to the puppy in order to
the puppy saw them.
The challenges of putting up barriers are highly recommended.
Simple problem solving games at this age include:
-putting the puppy behind a grate in front of the bowl and letting him go by himself
found his way to the bowl.
As they get better and better, increase the difficulty, which increases the excitement level of the puppies. This is the best time to give puppies moderately frustrating challenges and offer
tools to deal with them.
There is a theory that frustration triggers aggressive behavior.
Neurological research has shown that aggression and frustration stem from the same thing
center in the brain.
By teaching puppies how to deal with frustration, we will lower the chances that they will
will be aggressive in the future. Week 5
So far we have been doing exercises with elements of surprise (dropping objects, sudden loud noises)
As soon as the puppy starts 5 weeks of age, the situation starts to change.
Puppies go through a mild period of anxiety and now we need to be more careful. This is a period of extreme vulnerability when one fearful stimulus can have an impact on the rest of a puppy's life.
We need to make sure that puppies get enough stimulation, but at the same time not to have a little bad experience. Sometimes the period of fear is unnoticeable, because it can last very short. However, we must realize that even
if so far we have worked a lot with puppies and enriched their environment, even if they quickly return to normal
state after experiencing anxiety, the period of vulnerability will occur anyway and we are not able to prevent it. We absolutely should not blame ourselves for not doing something, or for doing too much. This is a normal stage of puppy development.
Therefore, of course, we should continue socialization, but during this period we must be especially careful.

Puppies should still play with other members of the pack, but now that they are more prone to fear, in order for them to feel safe we need to provide them with shelter where they can hide and come out when they are ready.

It is still very important to show puppies objects, we still need to surprise puppies with them,
so that they learn to return to a normal state after experiencing an anxiety situation.
However, at this point, it must be a gentle stimulus.

If the puppy is more sensitive than others, we additionally train with it so that it learns to overcome fear.
For this purpose, we use a social theme - playing with the puppy, stroking, rewarding when he overcomes his fear. In this way, puppies learn that the world is fun, safe and new stimuli do not pose a threat, even if they cause fear in the first place.

Week 5 and 6 photos


Labradoodle and bubbles

Labradoodle and bubbles

Labradoodle fun

Labradoodle fun

Labradoodle, enriched environment

Labradoodle, enriched environment

Labradoodle puppies

Labradoodle puppies

Labradoodle, baby

Labradoodle, baby

Labradoodle on different surfaces

Labradoodle on different surfaces

Labradoodle, problem solving

Labradoodle, problem solving

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle first food

Labradoodle first food

Labradoodle vacuum cleaner

Labradoodle vacuum cleaner

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle, baby

Labradoodle, baby

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle outdoors

Labradoodle and blender

Labradoodle and blender

Labradoodle kennel training

Labradoodle kennel training

Labradoodles and other dogs

Labradoodles and other dogs

Doodles on a poodle

Doodles on a poodle

Labradoodle different faces

Labradoodle different faces

Labradoodles and other dogs

Labradoodles and other dogs

Labradoodles and guests

Labradoodles and guests

Labradoodle and bubbles

Labradoodle and bubbles

Labradoodles and children

Labradoodles and children

Labradoodles and children

Labradoodles and children

Week 6

At 6 weeks of age, the part of a puppy's brain responsible for reasoning is still unformed.
Although the thought process is still immature, the brain has the ability to react emotionally to external stimuli
almost equal to an adult.
At 6 weeks, puppies reach their maximum socialization opportunities - this period is characterized by the greatest
curiosity and the least amount of fear. That's why this phase they are in is called the curiosity period. This is the time to introduce puppies to as many strangers as possible. Different people.
However, quality vs quantity is much more important because puppies need good experiences.
If something terrible happens to them during this period (someone steps on the puppy) it may affect the rest of his life.
We show puppies the agility course. But that doesn't mean we train them for this sport. We teach them to be good companions.
Puppies walk on unstable surfaces, learn to accept objects that cover their heads (
TUNNELS). The equipment needs to be a little spooky so that it challenges the puppies to learn
new skills in a challenging environment.

We show puppies different people - sometimes strange people (with glasses,
hats, dressed strangely). Our goal is to build self-confidence. We should never force a puppy either
to become acquainted with the stimulus or to greet any human being. The puppy has to decide for himself
when the time was right.
This is how he learns self-confidence. If we force the puppy, it will learn to react with fear and panic
rather than confidence and control. Sessions, however, should be short – 5 minute sessions per puppy is more than enough.



Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and agility

Labradoodles and guests

Labradoodles and guests

Labradoodle and lawnmower

Labradoodle and lawnmower

Labradoodle and lawnmower

Labradoodle and lawnmower

Labradoodle and tent

Labradoodle and tent

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and tunnel

Labradoodle and water

Labradoodle and water

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle on a blanket

Labradoodle on a blanket

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle ride

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment

Labradoodle and enriched environment


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Hairy Passion

First Australian Labradoodle Kennel in Poland

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Cymbrogis Irresistible Renesemee

  Breed: Australian Labradoodle Name: Cymbrogis Irresistible Renesemee (Nessie) Registration number: AES-F15007TC Colour: White Coat: "curly" wavy Size: medium Testing: Prcd-PRA: result - CLEAR by parentage Joints...

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